By laws of the Afghan Society of Halifax
Article 1- Purposes
The purpose of the formation of the “Afghan Society of Halifax” in the province of Nova Scotia which will from now on be called “Association”, is to preserve and strengthen culture, traditions, art, literature and language of Afghan and the creation of nationalism and integration between them through participation and cooperation of Afghan residing in the province of Nova Scotia (Canada) and activity in the fields of cultural, educational and sports and support of independent members of groups with parallel cultural objectives.
Article 2- The Society has an independent legal non-profit entity and its activities are in line with the realization of above goals and independent of political and religious motives.
Chapter II: the structure, components, functions and powers
Article 3- Pillars of the Society are members of the General Assembly and Board of Directors.
Article 4 – Membership in the Society: All the people who are Afghan or having an Afghan parent or spouse can join the association with the following conditions:
4- They are eighteen years old and are living in the province of Nova Scotia.
4-2 They pay their annual membership fee.
Article 5 -The Board of Directors can provide “honorary membership to academic and cultural figures who may have a significant impact on the association and provide useful and effective services in advancing the goals of the Association or they can give them a reduced entrance rate or membership fee.
5-1 Regulations about the acceptance and administrative procedures of members will be developed in a separate by law by the board of directors and the members will be notified.
Article 6- The General Assembly of the members of the Society is formed by the assembly of all individuals who are members of the Association and its duties and powers are as follows:
6-1 Election of members of the board of directors
6-2 Hearing the Annual Report of the Board of Directors and commenting on it
6-3 Giving suggestions, criticism and comments on matters related to the Society and the adoption of proposed policies and activities of the Board.
6-4 Examination and approval of annual membership fees, right of entrance of the members, other sources of income, and the annual budget of the Society, based on the Board proposals
6-5 Decision making about other cases on the General Assembly agenda which are anticipated or within the authority of the General Assembly
Article 7- ordinary sessions of the general assembly will be held once a year in the first three months of the Christian year and special meetings will be proposed by the Board of Directors based on the number of extra sessions required. Any change in the provisions of the Statute, the annual budget reforms, the dismissal of the Board of directors or other items on the special meeting agenda , are duties and powers of the special General Assembly.
Article 8- Ordinary sessions of the General Assembly to be recognized must have the participation of at least thirty-three percent of the members of the Association, including members who personally attend a meeting or who are to be represented by other members and its decisions will be approved by a vote of half plus one of the members who are present at the meeting. (By a majority vote of 50% plus one vote of those present)
8-1 Invitation to the General Assembly meeting must be at least fourteen days in advance. In the letter of invitation the day and hour and place of the session and Agenda must be printed.
8-2 In the case that the General Assembly fails to be recognized in the first meeting, the next meeting will be held at least fifteen days later with a maximum of thirty days from the date of the first meeting by the invitation of Board of Directors. The second turn meeting will be recognized no matter the number of participants. In the second turn in the letter of invitation, it should be stated explicitly that "the meeting will be recognized no matter the number of participants.”
8-3 With the written request of at least ten percent of the members or five members of the Board of Directors the Board of Directors is obliged to hold a special General Assembly meeting.
8-4 Legislation of a special General Assembly will be held only in cases where it has been mentioned in the agenda.
8-5 How to invite and to recognize special meetings is same as General Assembly meetings.
8-6 The ordinary or special General Assembly meeting that is concerned the dismissal of a member or members of the Board of Directors or the decision for early elections requires the approval of at least two-thirds of the members present.
8-7 Meetings of the General Assembly will be presided over by the President of the Society and in his/her absence the Vice President of the Society, except in selection of board member meetings when the President will be elected by the Assembly.
Article 9- Board of Directors: "The Society” is managed by the board of directors who are selected from qualified volunteers by written and secret vote of members for a period of two years. Each of the members of the Board of Directors can be selected as a member of the Board for two consecutive periods (max for 4 years) and after the second period, for at least a two year period he/she will not able to join as the candidate on the Board of Directors.
Article 10- The numbers of main members of the Board of Directors will be between seven to nine people in accordance with the number of members of the association as follows:
10-1 If the number of members is less than or equal to three hundred, seven people.
10-2 If the number of members is more than three hundred people, nine people.
Article 11- In each period two people will be selected as substitute members of the Board of Directors that in case of death, resignation, dismissal, the main member will be replaced by one of these alternates.
11-1 Alternate members of the Board may participate, without the right to vote at meetings of the Board of Directors.
Article 12- Candidates for membership to the board of directors must be members of the Society for at least six months before the date of elections. Those who are engaged in the Society and have been with the Society or have done transactions including financial transactions and immediate family members cannot become a member of the board of directors.
Article 13- Each member of the Society by presenting a membership card and approved ballots can vote on one or more candidates for the board of directors (maximum number of members in the main period). After counting the votes, from among those who have a majority of votes, the main members and then two substitute members will be selected and announced.
Article 14- The Board of Directors is composed of main members that at the first meeting after the election will be chosen: one President, one Vice President, one Secretary and one Treasurer for a period of one year and their re-election for the next year is also unhindered. The head of the board of directors as the president of the society will be responsible for implementing the enactments of board of directors. All correspondence of the Society must contain the signature of the President and in his absence with the signature of Vice President and in their absence will be the signature of Secretary of the Board. President of the Board is responsible for the management of the Society office and s/he will be responsible to the Board of Directors and the members of the Organization.
Article 15- Meetings of the Board of Directors will be held at least once a month and will be recognized with the presence of at least half plus one of the memberships. Enactments of the board are also in compliance with the quorum of half plus one of the membership. The Board of directors will be printed in a special book by the secretary and it will be signed by the president and the secretary of the board.
15-1 The President of the Board is responsible for the meeting, and does not have the right to vote in decisions of the Board, except in cases where the vote is tied. In this case the vote of the President of board of directors will resolve the tied vote.
15-2 If each of the members of the board of directors is absent for three consecutive sessions or six regular meetings in one year without a justified excuse, s/he will be considered to have resigned and the board of directors will invite the alternate members to attend meetings.
15-3 The General Assembly can dismiss a member or members of the Board before the end of the period of their mission. For dismissal of the member/s the Board should hold an extra assembly and with a quorum of two third of the votes the dismissal will be recognized.
Article 16- Powers and duties of the Board are as follows:
16-1 Plan activities in the fields of literary, cultural, artistic, education, sport and the arranging of related meetings to advance the “Society's objectives”
16-2 Defend the social rights and dignity of the members and support the activities related to the goals of the "Society" and hold contests and introduce valuable activities for the members and related groups.
16-3Provide consultation services and expertise needed in the “Society's objectives”.
16-4 Cooperate with the authorities of the Province of Canada for purposes of the 'Society'.
16-5 Develop and draft the regulations and code of administrative, financial, organizational and internal affairs of the “Society”.
16-6 Determine of the right of entry and the right of annual membership and other sources of income for the Society, and make proposals to the General Assembly for approval
16-7 Prepare an annual budget and financial performance recorded for “the Society'' and submit them to the General Assembly for approval.
16-8 Hire and dismiss employees and determine the job description, salary and bonuses of Association’s employees.
16-9 Open a bank account in the name of the Society and carry out withdrawals from the account for Association affairs and authorize the signature to withdraw from bank accounts and sign contracts, documents and commitment.
16-10 Form different working groups in connection with the activities of the Society and draw up regulations on how to administer duties and powers of the groups.
16-11 Publish a newsletter, provide a Web site and provide information services to members.
16-12 Perform any duties and activities necessary to implement the objectives of the laws on the condition they will not be in conflict with the rules and regulations and the rights of the members.
Article 17- The cost of the Society and its pillars is provided by the membership, entrance paid by members, donations from private individuals, companies and governmental organizations (in a way that it will not distort the independence of the Society) to cover the cost of providing educational, cultural, consulting, advertising, art services and meetings.
Article 18- The financial year of the Society will start first of January and terminate at the end of December.
Chapter IV: Miscellaneous
Article 19- The election of the Board will be held by the Executive Board consisting of three people, including a member of the Board of Directors and two other members of the Society (based on the choice of the Board of Directors). The Executive Board will form three months before the date of election and will register and investigate the conditions of volunteers and it will do all the necessary planning for the elections. Board of Directors will give the necessary facilities to the Executive Board to perform these election tasks. Registration of volunteers and the election in the first period will be carried out after the approval of by-laws by the Board of Directors of Society of the current period.
Article 20- In cases not covered in these by-laws, the laws and regulations of Canada province of Nova Scotia will be in effect.
By Laws
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